"I gave my first gift to Pomona as a first-year. Working as a caller for the Annual Fund, I knew participation was key to the success of the program. I also give because of the generous financial aid I receive."
Campus VisitsInformation Sessions and Tours
To register for an information session or campus tour, select an available date from the calendar to the right and then click the event title that will appear below. You can then see the available events for that particular day. This form is intended to be used by groups of 3 or less for a general campus visit session. If you are a school or CBO administrator arranging a group tour, you must submit your request using the Group Tour Request form. | |
Class VisitsProspective students are welcome to sit in on classes during their visit! There is no pre-registration or approval process, so there's no need to email us or professors to request permission. Here are a few guidelines to consider before making plans to visit a class: