Campus Visits

Information Sessions and Tours

To register for an information session or campus tour, select an available date from the calendar to the right and then click the event title that will appear below. You can then see the available events for that particular day. If there are no events available on the day you would like to visit, we welcome you join us for a self-guided tour! CBO and school counselors looking to arrange a Group Tour should instead access the Group Tour calendar.

Note that all times are in Pacific Time.

Class Visits - Spring 2025

If you are interested in attending a class session, faculty are happy to welcome prospective students to sit in on classes while visiting campus. Please visit the online course schedule to see what’s available this semester during your visit to Pomona. 

There are a few guidelines to consider before you make plans to visit a class:
  • Visits are not available before January 27 due to first week of classes OR after May 2 due to final exams.
  • Visits are at the instructor’s discretion. We recommend you find a few options for a given time slot in case your first choice is not available due to an exam/quiz, field trip, or other reason.
  • Attendance is for the entire class period. Please do not arrive late or leave early to avoid disruption.
  • Be sure to arrive early and introduce yourself to the instructor.
  • Only prospective students are able to conduct a class visit.
If you have questions about class visits, send us an email!
Unavailable / Filled
Not Scheduled